Understanding Different Types of Dentures and Their Uses

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Dentures are a set of artificial teeth used to replace lost or missing natural teeth. Most types of dentures are effortless to wear, remove, and clean. Dentures can be full or partial in size. Full dentures are a replacement for your entire teeth – partial dentures act as a replacement for a few missing teeth.

Individuals have the option of choosing from several types of dentures such as partial dentures, traditional dentures, snap-in dentures, etc. However, this article will throw light on implant-supported dentures and screw-retained dentures and what makes them more unique. As the name suggests, these dentures make use of dental implants to secure the dentures in place.

This way, your dentures are less likely to move when you eat or talk. To understand how implanted dentures work, we must first comprehend how dental implants work, considering the idea is the same. A dental implant is an artificial substitute to replace the root of your tooth. The dental implant constructed in the shape of a screw using titanium metal is placed in the jawbone to replace the natural root of your tooth. An artificial tooth is placed over this implant. The implant helps hold this artificial tooth in place.

Implant-supported dentures – Also known as overdentures, are a cross between dentures and dental implants. The dentures – fixed on top of two to four implants – act as a support system for the dentures to stay in place as they snap onto the implants, making it easy for the user to wear and remove the dentures with no hassle. It is recommended by dentists to have implant-supported dentures placed on the lower jaw because traditional dentures generally are not stable on the lower jaw. The procedure to get implant-supported dentures is pretty quick and is also safe. If you have implant-supported dentures, you must visit your dentist at least once every six months to maintain your dentures. These dentures are a perfect substitute for people who already have traditional dentures but cannot keep up with the constant slipping of the dentures. Apart from this, the maintenance and cleaning of implant-supported dentures remain the same as traditional dentures, but now you do not have to worry about eating or talking in public! The only evidence of the procedure that people will notice is your bright smile!

Screw-retained dentures or overdentures are like implant-supported dentures as they use dental implants for support to keep the dentures in place. The difference between the two is that, unlike implant-supported dentures, these overdentures cannot snap onto implants and utilizes more than four implants for support. It is fastened more firmly into the implants with screws, providing a stronghold, and can only be removed by your dentist for cleaning purposes. It is also less of a hassle for users as the dentures do not need to be detached at night and soaked. Cleaning and maintenance are less, as a dentist near you will remove the dentures, clean them, and fit them back for you at least a couple of times a year. It is a perfect solution or alternative to traditional dentures. Dentists frequently refer to this procedure as “full mouth implants.”

For several individuals, using overdentures is a more convenient option than traditional dentures. Although implant-supported dentures are hassle-free, the maintenance remains the same as traditional dentures. With screw-retained dentures, requires less cleaning on the individual’s part and may sound more appealing, but it is a slightly more expensive option.

To understand overdentures better and get advice on which overdentures work best for you, visit the nearest dental clinic in Winnipeg.