Keeping Your Teeth Clean Between Cleanings

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Good dental health is obviously not a three-legged stool. But, if it were a three-legged stool, those three legs would be: daily tooth brushing and flossing; attending regular dental checkups every six months and having your teeth professionally cleaned once a year.

Those first two legs get the most attention, and it’d be easy to neglect the third stool — annual dental cleaning near you. Dental cleaning in Winnipeg is essential to preventing plaque and tartar that can accumulate and contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. There will be no better feeling than the feeling of your perfectly clean teeth after those appointments, but what can you do to stretch out that amazing feeling between your dental cleanings? Here are seven steps to take to keep your teeth as clean as possible between annual cleanings.

Avoid colas

Drinking colas is a terrible habit when it comes to the state of your teeth for two reasons. First, colas are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to the list of beverages that stain your tooth enamel — coffee, tea, red wine, and some fruit juices are on that list, too. Second, one of the things that everyone loves about cola — that fizziness — is produced by acids that are highly corrosive and that can eat away at your tooth enamel and produce cavities.

Eat less sugar

There’s a simple formula to understand when it comes to the health of your teeth. Sugar promotes the growth of bacteria and increases the acidity in your mouth. Increased bacteria and acidity cause the formation of plaque. Plaque causes periodontal disease (gum disease) and tooth decay. Keeping that in mind, you can protect your teeth and gums by reducing the amount of sugar you eat. When you do eat or drink anything sweet, brush your teeth right away afterwards.

That includes chewing sugarless gum!

One of the best natural ways to reduce the presence of bacteria in your mouth and on your teeth and gums is to increase your saliva production. Saliva is a natural antibacterial agent. One of the best ways to increase saliva production is to chew gum, especially after eating if you don’t have a chance to brush your teeth. But make it sugar-free. See above!

Speaking of eating…

When it comes to the health of your teeth, not all foods are created equal. Some foods are not only less harmful to your teeth, but they’ll actually clean your teeth while you eat. Foods to eat with the goal of cleaning your teeth in mind while you eat include apples, carrots (raw), celery, popcorn and other crisp and firm foods. Foods like these are not an alternative to brushing and flossing, but eating them can only help.

Quit smoking

As if you needed another reason to quit smoking, here’s another — the tar and nicotine in smoking will turn your teeth yellow and undo all the work accomplished during dental cleaning in Winnipeg.

Brush your teeth properly, and gently

Brushing is one of the three keys to good oral health, but not if you’re doing it wrong. Yeah, yeah, you know how to brush your teeth. But just in case: hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brush your teeth in circles using a toothbrush with soft bristles. When brushing your teeth, keep brushing for two minutes — that means counting to 120 — and do so gently. Resist the temptation to press too hard; all it will do is wear away your enamel and cause your teeth to get sensitive and your gums to recede.

Floss daily

Brushing alone isn’t enough to remove plaque and bacteria or even stray bits of food between your teeth and below your gums. Even though all those things seem hidden away, they can still contribute to plaque buildup and will contribute to tooth decay and eventually discolour your teeth. When flossing, be sure to floss between every tooth and between each tooth and the gums.

An annual dental cleaning in Winnipeg is not just essential to your health, but it’s also an incredible treat. Your teeth will never feel better than they do after your dentist has cleaned them. To prolong that amazing sensation, follow all seven of these tips between annual cleanings.