Dentures or Dental Implants: Which Is Better?

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Do you have questions about whether you should receive dentures or dental implants? You’ve arrived at the correct location. At our dental clinic in Winnipeg, we realize how difficult it can be to smile, eat, and speak confidently following tooth loss. Not to mention that missing teeth might have an impact on your overall dental health.

When it comes to restoring a confident smile and optimal oral functionality, two popular options stand out: dentures and dental implants. Both dentures and dental implants come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks, making it crucial for individuals to carefully weigh their options. 

Are dental implants better than dentures?

While dentures are less expensive than dental implants, they do not address the issue of jawbone degradation. When your body recognizes a missing tooth, it begins to absorb minerals from your jaw for use elsewhere. When this occurs, the area of the jaw where the tooth root is weakens and deteriorates. 

Teeth adjacent to the gap will also begin to shift toward the vacant space. Eventually, the patient may undergo facial collapse, which changes the form of the face and makes wearing dentures problematic. Ask our dentists if you are a candidate for dental implant or denture treatment near you to avoid further tooth loss and jawbone degradation. In general, we recommend them whenever possible to patients in order to prevent long-term health problems caused by missing teeth.

1. Cost Factor:

   – Dentures: generally more cost-effective upfront.

   – Dental implants: initial investment is higher, but long-term costs may be lower due to durability.

2. Aesthetics and Comfort:

   – Dentures: they can sometimes look less natural and may cause discomfort or irritation.

   – Dental Implants: Mimic the appearance and feel of natural teeth, providing enhanced comfort and a more authentic smile.

3. Durability and Longevity:

   – Dentures: Prone to wear and tear, may need replacement every 5-7 years.

   – Dental implants: with the right maintenance, these long-lasting restorations can last a lifetime.

4. Maintenance:

   – Dentures: require regular removal for cleaning; may need special cleaning solutions.

   – Dental implants: cleaned like natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing.

5. Bone Health:

   – Dentures: Do not prevent bone loss; may contribute to jawbone deterioration over time.

   – Dental implants: they preserve facial structure by stimulating the jawbone and halting bone loss.

6. Eating and Speech:

   – Dentures: Initial challenges with eating and speaking may require an adjustment period.

   – Dental Implants: offer improved stability for chewing and speaking, closely resembling natural teeth.

7. Convenience:

   – Dentures: Require removal for cleaning and overnight soaking.

   – Dental Implants: are permanent fixtures that eliminate the need for removal, offering a hassle-free solution.

8. Adaptation Period:

   – Dentures: Some individuals may need time to adapt to wearing and maintaining dentures.

   – Dental Implants: Integration is often smoother, with a more natural feel from the start.

Final thoughts

If you have healthy gum tissue and enough bone density in your jaw to support the implant, you are a candidate for dentures in Winnipeg. For osseointegration to be successful, there must be enough jawbone tissue to support the titanium dental implant that is inserted in your jawbone. Even if you are not a candidate, our dental clinic near you can assist you in researching your alternative tooth replacement options.

The decision between dentures and dental implants is influenced by several factors, such as budget, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Although dentures may present a more budget-friendly option at the outset, dental implants provide enduring advantages in terms of aesthetics, comfort, and overall oral well-being. To make a well-informed decision tailored to your specific oral health goals, it is recommended to engage in discussions with our skilled dentists at Garden Oaks Dental Centre. 

By taking your individual circumstances into account, we can collaboratively determine the most suitable solution for your dental needs. Whether you opt for tried-and-true dentures or cutting-edge dental implants, the ultimate goal is to regain a confident smile and enjoy optimal oral function for years to come.