Dental Bone Graft: Process, Healing & What It Is

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Did you know that health professionals can use different parts of your body to repair and restore damaged areas? Bone grafting applies to different areas of medicine, as well as dentistry. Bone tissue repair can be done when a healthy bone can be used to treat a damaged one.

Your oral health depends on how good or bad your bone tissue is holding your teeth in place. The only solution for damaged bone tissue is bone grafting dental procedures.

At Garden Oak Dental Centre, we offer reliable restorative treatments, both surgical and non-surgical. Contact our team today to find out more about this.

Bone Grafting Procedures in Winnipeg

Bone grafting in our Winnipeg dental clinic uses healthy transplanted bone tissues to repair the damaged teeth area. The bone graft, the transplanted bone tissue, is taken from your healthy dental areas to rebuild the injured zone. Synthetic bone grafts are also available at our dental clinic in Winnipeg, created in our laboratory for your specific treatment.

Bone grafting procedures are essential to maintain good oral health; this procedure usually involves surgery to salvage the damaged tissues. Contact a dentist near you to learn more about bone grafting procedures to prevent deficits in your oral health.

Your healthy bone tissues help your teeth stay in place and offer a safe and strong base for a functional mouth.

The most common bone grafts used in dentistry are as follows:

  • Socket grafts: unlike any other bone graft, this is done by filling the empty socket with bone graft material protecting your bone tissue by holding everything together.
  • Later Ridge Preservation Graft: usually done after a dentist near you performs a tooth extraction to hold in place the jawbone for a tooth replacement treatment.
  • Block Bone Graft: this is a usual procedure for candidates who miss various teeth due to a facial injury. A Block bone graft is used when there is insufficient jawbone mass to support dental implants.

When to Get a Bone Graft

Bone grafting procedures are not always necessary when you have a missing tooth. Our Winnipeg dentist will assess your oral health and situation to determine the best dental treatment for you. A dentist near you might recommend a bone graft only under the following circumstances:

  1. Severe infection to the gums –Dentists refer to an extreme gum infection as periodontitis, which is usually developed after a patient is not checked and treated for gingivitis. Suddenly gingivitis can escalate to a periodontitis disease, leading to a weakened jawbone needing a bone graft to restore oral health.
  2. Dental Implants – The health and stability of implants rely on how healthy a patient’s jawbone is; therefore, a patient who needs one can be a candidate for a bone graft. A titanium post is used to fill in the missing tooth socket to merge with a healthy jawbone for the strength and longevity of artificial teeth.
  3. Dental injuries –Facial injuries can cause a damaged jawbone and make it less stable for good oral health. Bone grafting in these cases is essential to prevent further complications from arising.
  4. Missing tooth – Your teeth and jawbone depend on each other for good oral health. If the other jeopardizes the health of either of them, your oral health might disintegrate. When you eat and talk, your jawbone receives stimuli to stay healthy; when losing a tooth, that space becomes inactive, leading to bone deterioration.

Bone grafts are a great solution to restore and rebuild a damaged tissue.

Book a consultation with a dentist near you to determine the best course of action for a healthy smile.