Can I Get A Cavity Under Fillings?

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Are you dealing with tooth decay? If so, you can go to your dentist to have the unhealthy region filled with a filling, which will repair the tooth and stop the rot from spreading further. 

But is a filling permanent once it has been placed in a tooth? Let’s get to know whether, even after getting dental fillings near you, you are still susceptible to developing cavities under the fillings.

Can Cavities Form Under Fillings?

Unfortunately, developing cavities under fillings is still very likely. Your treated tooth is still at risk because of daily eating and drinking. In other instances, the filling may not have been put into your tooth correctly. 

If you’re concerned about the state of your smile after getting dental fillings in Winnipeg, you should call your dentist right away. 

How Do Cavities Form Underneath Fillings?

Intermittent rot occurs whenever a cavity forms beneath dental fillings. When fillings and dental crowns are improperly fitted or fall out, deterioration can result. If the problem goes untreated, it can reinfect your tooth and spread to other areas of your smile. 

Additionally, forceful chewing and accidents from playing sports can damage the dental work you’re received and make it easier for bacteria and rot to enter the fissures and cracked portions of the tooth. Lastly, when fillings become worn out, they are unable to perform as intended; eventually, they’ll need to be replaced to be wholly effective.

Symptoms of Tooth Decay

A filling is applied to your tooth by being bonded to it in such a way that a seal is created to keep out bacteria and food particles that might cause decay and infection. Rot can start to form underneath the actual filling material if the seal between the filling material and your tooth wasn’t established properly during the bonding process—or if it breaks down over time and isn’t repaired.

It’s crucial to be aware of the most typical indications of cavities so you can contact your dentist if you see any decay. Several signs include:

  • Constant tooth pain.
  • Sensitivity to the cold and the heat.
  • Brown or white stains that are framing the teeth.
  • Disease affecting the gums or teeth.
  • Pain or discomfort that persists.

If you are experiencing any of these things, visit a dental clinic near you soon. The quicker the decay can be managed, the better the possibility there is of eradicating the deterioration in its entirety.

Treatment for Tooth Decay Under an Existing Filling

In order to ascertain whether rot is indeed developing beneath your dental filling, your dentist will first take x-rays; they will also perform an oral examination. Each of these measures can help identify decay that is hidden from view between teeth and beneath the surface of your gums. 

Should your dentist discover decay, the subsequent treatment will depend entirely on how far along the deterioration is. In some circumstances, the old filling can be taken out and replaced with a new one. In others, a new filling may not be an option; instead, you may need a dental crown or root canal therapy to treat the issue. Based on their findings, our dentist in Winnipeg will let you know what to expect during your appointment!

Don’t Avoid Dealing with Tooth Decay; Contact Us!

Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist for help if you’re experiencing symptoms associated with an unhealthy tooth, even if that tooth has been treated in the past. AT Garden Oak Dental Centre, our dentist is here to assist! They’ll be able to diagnose the problem and suggest the best course of action to get you back to normal.

Please give our team a call when it’s convenient for you!