How To Tell You May Need a Root Canal

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Here are the signs that you may need to undergo a root canal to eliminate an infection inside your tooth that, if not treated, can spread beyond your mouth to affect your overall health. On the other hand, if you want to have that tooth pulled and deal with the need to replace it later, just ignore these signs.

Persistent pain

Fleeting toothaches are uncomfortable to be sure but do not, alone, indicate the need for a root canal. Constant tooth pain, though, is a different thing altogether. If you’re experiencing constant pain in the bone of your tooth or referred pain in your jaw or face, you should consult with a dentist near you about the potential need for a root canal. Even if the pain doesn’t indicate you need a root canal, it could be the sign of other dental issues like gum disease, cavities, a sinus infection, a damaged filling or an infected and impacted tooth.

Pain when you touch the tooth

There is a very specific type of tooth pain that does indicate the likely need to undergo root canal treatment near you. If you’re generally pain-free, but experience a spike of pain when you touch or bite on a tooth, it may mean that tooth is affected by severe tooth decay or nerve damage. That’s especially true if the pain continues long after you’re no longer touching it. The death of the pulp tissue inside your tooth causes the ligament around the tip of your tooth’s root to become hypersensitive.

Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures

Temporary, fleeting and minor tooth sensitivity is a common phenomenon. When might tooth sensitivity indicate the need to undergo root canal therapy in Winnipeg? If your tooth is sensitive to heat and cold and if the sensitivity lingers long after the stimulus — the hot food or cold water, etc. — has been taken away. That lingering sensitivity might be a clue that the nerves and blood vessels inside your tooth are badly infected or damaged.

A gray-black tooth

Stained and yellow teeth don’t mean you need a root canal. More likely, stained and yellow teeth mean you need to brush more often, quit smoking, cut back on highly dyed foods and drinks, and get your teeth cleaned at a dentist near you. If one tooth, in particular, seems to be turning gray or black, though, that’s a sure sign that the pulp inside that tooth is dying or dead. If you notice a new gray or black tooth in your mouth, get in touch with a dentist near you for a careful examination — especially if you’re also experiencing any of these other symptoms.

A pimple-like sore on your gums

You thought you were done with pimples? Some pimples are even worse than facial acne. An infection in the interior of a tooth can cause an abscess — a pus-filled pocket located at the tip of your tooth’s root. A dental abscess inside a tooth may also cause a recurring — one that might disappear before reappearing again — a pimple-like bump on your gums that may seep foul-smelling pus. If you notice any recurring bumps or pimples on your gums, contact a dental clinic in Winnipeg for advice about undergoing root canal therapy near you.

All of these symptoms are signs of potentially serious dental issues, even if they don’t add up to the need for a root canal. If you experience any combination of these symptoms, ask your dentist to rule out and treat any infection in your mouth or jaw. Are you reluctant to consult with a dentist because you’re concerned about the pain associated with a root canal? If that’s the case, you’re suffering too long for no reason at all. Today’s modern root canal treatment does not cause pain. It eliminates pain while eliminating risks to your overall health and rescuing teeth from preventable extractions.